USA: Guerbet Receives FDA Approval for a New Manufacturing Plant for Lipiodol® Injection
19.02.2014 18:00

FDA Approval for a New Manufacturing Plant for Lipiodol® Injection in Canada

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave its approval for a new manufacturing plant for Lipiodol® (ethiodized oil) Injection, in Montreal, Canada.

Guerbet has acquired the Ethiodol® NDA effective May 7, 2010 and since then has been working with the FDA to resume manufacturing of Ethiodol® to ensure continued availability for the U.S. patients. Lipiodol® contains the same drug components as Ethiodol®.

"The approval of the new manufacturing site represents the ongoing commitment of Guerbet to consistently supply American healthcare professionals and their patients with ethiodized oil." commented Massimo Carrara, General Manager of Guerbet LLC in USA also commented Massimo Carrara, General Manager of Guerbet LLC in USA.

Read the press release

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