Actualités (78)

AXA : Guide de l'actionnaire AXA PU
AXA : Rapports annuels et semi-annuels Résultats annuels(22/02/2024) PU
AXA : Notre impact 2022 PU
AXA : en bref, édition 2023 PU
AXA : Résolutions présentées à l’Assemblée Générale annuelle d’AXA du 27 avril 2023 PU
ORPEA : La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations devrait prendre le contrôle d'Orpea AO
Orpea: reprise des discussions avec la CDC, le titre est suspendu AO
AXA : Côté AXA, Le mag n°4 PU
AXA : Côté AXA, Le mag No.4 PU
AXA : Document AMF CP. 2022DD874029 PU
Fnac Darty en perte au premier semestre mais ses ventes résistent AW
Fnac Darty : résultats semestriels 2022 GL
Fnac Darty : résultats semestriels 2022 GL
Fnac Darty : Compte-rendu de l’Assemblée Générale du 18 mai 2022 (incluant questions) PU
AXA annonce des changements au sein de son conseil d'administration CI
AXA : Antoine Gosset-Grainville est nommé Président d’AXA et Thomas Buberl est reconduit à son poste de Directeur général PU
AXA : Notre impact 2021 PU
AXA : Rapport Intégré 2021 PU
Axa: hausse projetée de la rémunération du directeur général critiquée AW
Wren House Infrastructure Management Limited a acquis une participation majoritaire inconnue dans Almaviva Santé auprès de Antin Infrastructure Partners III Fpci, un fonds géré par Antin Infrastructure Partners S.A. (ENXTPA:ANTIN). CI
Fnac Darty : 2021 General Meeting presentation PU
Axa remanie son équipe de direction et change de DG en France RE
CAC40 : ne lâche rien malgré la tension des taux longs US CF
CAC40 : ne lâche rien malgré taux longs US à 1,635% CF
CAC40 : toujours en course pour un 5/5 à la hausse après PPI CF
CAC40 : marque une pause après 4 séances de hausse CF
Axa: Antoine Gosset-Grainville deviendra président à compter d'avril 2022 RE
Axa: Antoine Gosset-Grainville prendra la tête du conseil d'administration AW
AXA : Antoine Gosset-Grainville remplacera Denis Duverne au poste de président en avril 2022 AO
AXA : nouveau président du conseil d'administration en 2022 CF
Axa : Antoine Gosset-Grainville prendra la tête du conseil d'administration en avril 2022 DJ
Les valeurs à suivre mardi 1er juillet 2020 à Paris - AO
Les valeurs à suivre demain à la Bourse de Paris Mercredi 1er juillet 2020 AO
AXA: l'assemblée générale vote un dividende de 0,73 euro par action AO
Marsh & McLennan : Le Forum Oliver Wyman annonce la session inaugurale du Global Mobility Executive Forum les 26 et 27 novembre 2019 à Station F à Paris BU
Scor : L'ACPR veut un règlement amiable du conflit entre Scor et Covéa RE
Schneider Electric : Compte-rendu de l'Assemblée Générale 2019 PU
Les valeurs à suivre aujourd'hui à la Bourse de Paris - Lundi 18 décembre 2017 AO
Fnac Darty : A suivre aujourd'hui AO
Les valeurs à suivre lundi 18 décembre 2017 à la Bourse de Paris AO
Fnac Darty : Cooptation de nouveaux Administrateurs indépendants au conseil d’Administration de Fnac Darty PU
Fnac Darty : 3 nouveaux administrateurs indépendants CF
FNAC-DARTY : coopte trois nouveaux administrateurs indépendants AO
Fnac Darty : Cooptation de nouveaux Administrateurs indépendants au Conseil d'Administration de Fnac Darty GL
FRANCE 2017-La pression s'accentue sur Fillon, qui "n'abdique pas" RE
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Profils Sociétés (3)

XYLEM INC. 32 883 M $
Logo Xylem Inc.

Xylem Inc. est une société spécialisée dans la conception, la fabrication et la commercialisation d'équipements sur mesure destinés aux industries concernées par les opérations de distribution en eau et de traitement des eaux usées. Le CA par activité se ...

Logo Baud (Maison Antoine)

Maison Antoine Baud est spécialisée dans la détention et la gestion d'actifs immobiliers d'entreprise (bureaux, entrepôts et locaux d'activité). Le patrimoine du groupe se situe essentiellement dans les régions d'Auvergne. ...

Logo Mediawan

Mediawan SA est une société indépendante de contenu audiovisuel basée en France, active dans les secteurs du contenu et du divertissement des médias traditionnels et numériques. Le groupe opère dans quatre sous-secteurs : la production de fictions et de d ...


Photo Antoine Gosset-Grainville
Antoine Gosset-Grainville

Antoine Gosset-Grainville is a founding partner at BDGS Associés, a firm founded in 2013.
He is currently the Chairman at AXA SA and a Director at FNAC SA. In the past, he held positions such as Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Caisse des Dépôts & Consignations, Vice Chairman at Fnac Darty SA, Director at Dexia Holding SA and CNP Assurances SA, and Independent Director at Schneider Electric SE.
He has also served as a Director at La Poste SA, Compagnie des Alpes SA, Bpifrance SA, Icade SA, Fonds Stratégique d'Investissement Fund, Transdev Group SA, AXA Assurances Vie Mutuelle, and AXA Assurances IARD Mutuelle.
Additionally, he was the Deputy Secretary General-Economic & Finance at the European Union and a Partner at Gide Loyrette Nouel.
He has also held the position of Vice President at Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Région Paris.
Mr. Gosset-Grainville has a graduate degree from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and undergraduate degrees from Sciences Po and Ecole Nationale d'Administration.

Photo Antoine Lissowski
Antoine Lissowski

Antoine Lissowski currently works at Arial CNP Assurances, as Chairman from 2018, CDC IXIS Financial Guaranty North America, Inc., as Finance Director from 2000, Institut Europlace de Finance, as Director, and Caixa Seguros Holding SA, as Director.
Mr. Lissowski also formerly worked at CNP Assurances SA, as Chief Executive Officer from 2019 to 2021, CNP Invalidite Accident Maladie SA, as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, CNP Caution SA, as Chairman, Compagnie Immobiliere Construction Gestion SASU, as Chairman, 83 Avenue Bosquet SA, as Chairman, Société Forestière de la Caisse des Dépôts, as Chairman, MFPrévoyance SA, as Chairman, Assurbail Patrimoine SAS, as Chairman, Montparvie IV, as Chairman from 2018 to 2019, Montparvie V SAS, as Chairman from 2018 to 2019, Lyfe SAS, as Chairman, Caisse Autonome de Refinancement, as Managing Director, Partecis SAS, as Director, Ecureuil Vie Développement SAS, as Director, La Banque Postale Prévoyance SA, as Director, CNP Technologies De L’Information, as Director from 2015 to 2017, Caisse des Dépôts & Consignations, as Head-Business Development & Member, CDC Habitat SEM, as Member-Supervisory Board, de la CNP SCI, as Manager, and CNP Immobilier SAS, as Manager.
Mr. Lissowski received his undergraduate degree from Sciences Po and undergraduate degree in 1982 from Ecole Nationale d'Administration.

Photo Antoine Shagoury
Antoine Shagoury

Mr. Antoine S.
Shagoury is a Chief Information Officer at World Quantum Growth Acquisition Corp., a Venture Partner at Ridge-Lane LP, a Chairman at Millennium IT Software Pvt Ltd., a Chairman at Millennium Information Technologies Ltd.
and a Chief Technology Officer at Kyndryl Holdings, Inc. Mr. Shagoury was previously employed as a Global Chief Information Officer & Executive VP by State Street Corp., a Non-Executive Director by Advanced Cyber Security Center, a Non-Executive Director by National Stock Exchange, Inc., a Group Chief Operating & Information Officer by London Stock Exchange Group plc, a Chief Information Officer & Executive VP by American Stock Exchange LLC, a Non-Executive Director by Securities Industry Automation Corp., a Chief Technology Officer by Instinet Corp., a Chief Information Officer by American Stock Exchange Clearing Corp., an Executive Director by Exactpro Systems Ltd., an Executive Director by FTSE International Ltd., an Executive Director by Gatelab Srl, an Executive Director by globeSettle SA, an Executive Director by LCH.Clearnet LLC, an Executive Director by Russell Investments Ltd., and an Executive Director by Turquoise Trading Ltd.
He also served on the board at Cloud Technology Partners, Inc. and Euronext Growth Milan.
He received his undergraduate degree from Rochester Institute of Technology.

Antoine Arnault
Antoine Arnault

Mr. Antoine Arnault is a Vice Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Christian Dior SE, a Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at LV Group SA, a Managing Director at Berluti LLC, a Managing Director at Marbeuf Capital SC and a Partner at Eniotna LLP.
He is on the Board of Directors at Christian Dior SE, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, Association du Musee Louis Vuitton, Berluti (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Berluti Hong Kong Co., Ltd., Comite Colbert, Fendi Adele SARL, Good Planet, Innova E2 and Manifattura Berluti Srl.
Mr. Arnault was previously employed as a Chairman by Loro Piana SpA, an Independent Member-Supervisory Board by Lagardère SA, a Chairman-Executive Board & Chief Executive Officer by Berluti SA, a Chairman by Aa Conseil SAS, a Member-Executive Board by Agache SCA, a Chairman by Fg SAS, a Member-Supervisory Board by Is Spot Runner, Inc., a Member-Supervisory Board by Les Echos SAS, a Communications Director by Louis Vuitton SA, and a Chairman by Société Nouvelle de Chemiserie Arnys SA. He also served on the board at Berluti Orient FZ LLC, Fendi Srl, Madrigall SA and Spot Runner, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from HEC Montréal and an MBA from INSEAD.

Antoine Bernheim
Antoine Bernheim

Ancien Président directeur général de la compagnie d'assurances italienne Generali, Antoine Bernheim est une figure emblématique de la finance et de l'assurance en Europe.

Ancien associé-gérant de la banque Lazard de 1967 à 1999, il est devenu en quelques années un faiseur de rois, tantôt adulé, tantôt décrié.

En 1951, Antoine Bernheim débute sa carrière chez Bourjois, propriété des Wertheimer (Chanel). Il y reste jusqu'en 1954, date à laquelle il rejoint la Société française générale immobilière (ex-Bernheim Frères et Fils). Associé au début, il accède au poste de P-DG en1967. La même année, Antoine Bernheim intègre la très influente banque Lazard en tant que gérant associé, poste qu'il occupe jusqu'en 1999.

Durant toutes ces années, il tisse son réseau et devient une figure incontournable de la finance européenne. « Parrain en affaires » de Vincent Bolloré, on ne compte plus les stars de la finance qui lui doivent leur réussite.

De 1988 à 2003, il a été Administrateur et vice-président de la puissante banque d'affaires milanaise, Mediobanca.

En 1999, après quatre ans passés à la tête du géant de l'assurance Generali, il est débarqué. En 2002, il est à nouveau confirmé à la présidence de l'assureur italien, signant un retour triomphal qui a permis à Generali de renouer avec le succès.

Le 24 avril 2010, les actionnaires de Generali ont décidé de se séparer de lui au profit de Cesare Geronzi.

Photo Antoine Burel
Antoine Burel

Antoine Burel currently works at Legrand France SA, as Chairman from 2018, Legrand Polska Sp zoo, as Chairman-Supervisory Board, Legrand Saudi Arabia LLC, as Chairman, and various other companies.
Mr. Burel also formerly worked at PB Finelectric BV, as Chief Executive Officer, Tcl Communication Hk Ltd., as Chief Executive Officer & Director, Kontaktor AO, as Chairman-Supervisory Board, and various other companies.
Mr. Burel received his undergraduate degree from NEOMA Business School.

Photo Antoine Maillet-Mezeray
Antoine Maillet-Mezeray

M. Antoine Maillet-Mezeray est directeur financier chez Jumia Technologies AG. M. Maillet-Mezeray était auparavant employé en tant qu'auditeur par Mazars SA. Il a obtenu son diplôme d'études supérieures à la NEOMA Business School.

Antoine Frérot
Antoine Frérot

Antoine Frérot est né le 3 juin 1958 à Fontainebleau. C’est un homme d'affaires et chef d'entreprise français, président directeur général de Veolia depuis 2009.
Diplômé de l’école Polytechnique (promotion 1977), il est ensuite intégré au corps des ponts et chaussées. Il y reste sept ans et y passe un doctorat. Il y cofonde également un laboratoire de recherche consacré à la gestion de l'environnement et de l'eau.
Antoine Frérot débute sa carrière en 1981 comme ingénieur chercheur au bureau central d’études pour l’outre-mer (BCEOM), société spécialisée dans les grands projets de développement environnementaux.

En 1983, il rejoint le centre d’études et de recherche de l’école des ponts et chaussées (CERGRENE) en tant que chef de projet. Il en devient ensuite directeur adjoint de 1984 à 1988.
De 1988 à 1990, il est recruté par le Crédit National en tant que responsable d’opérations financières pour le compte de grandes entreprises du secteur des transports, de l’aéronautique et de la mécanique.
Il intègre ensuite la Compagnie Générale des Eaux en 1990, d’abord comme chargé de mission, puis, de 1995 à 2000, comme directeur général de la Compagnie Générale d'Entreprises Automobiles (CGEA).
En 2000, il est nommé membre du directoire par le groupe Vivendi Environnement et directeur général de la Connex (division transport du groupe).

Dès janvier 2003, il devient directeur général de Veolia Eau, ainsi que directeur général adjoint et membre du comité exécutif de Veolia Environnement.
En septembre 2009, Antoine Frérot est envisagé pour succéder à Henri Proglio à la tête du groupe Veolia, après la nomination de ce dernier aux commandes d’EDF. Il devient officiellement directeur général en novembre 2009 et obtient le titre de président du conseil d'administration en décembre 2010.

En 2013, il réorganise le groupe et réoriente le marketing pour concentrer l’activité de l’entreprise sur les marchés à gros volumes et à plus forte valeur ajoutée.
La stratégie d’Antoine Frérot inclut également le désengagement progressif de l’activité transports, cédée à la Caisse des dépôts, et une diminution de l’étalement de la présence internationale du groupe pour se limiter à une quarantaine de pays. Cette stratégie permet au groupe de retrouver une croissance positive.
Le 26 février 2014 le conseil d'administration de Veolia décide de reconduire le mandat d'Antoine Frérot jusqu'en 2018 pour finaliser la restructuration du Groupe.
En septembre 2014, Antoine Frérot détaille ses attentes en matière de lutte contre l’effet de serre au cours du Sommet climat de New-York.
Suite aux bons résultats de la politique de restructuration d’Antoine Frérot, le 19 avril 2018, le conseil d'administration de Veolia reconduit pour la deuxième fois son mandat jusqu'en 2022.

Parallèlement à ses activités, Antoine Frérot est président de l'Association nationale de valorisation interdisciplinaire de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales auprès des entreprises (Anvie), président du think-tank l’Institut de l'entreprise et administrateur de l'association des amis de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

Photo Antoine Levavasseur
Antoine Levavasseur

M. Antoine Levavasseur est vice-président senior chez Iliad et directeur général adjoint chez Free Mobile SAS. Il a obtenu son diplôme de premier cycle à l'Ecole Française d'Electronique et d'Informatique.

Photo Antoine Larenaudie
Antoine Larenaudie

Antoine Larenaudie is currently a Director at Total Gas & Power Ltd., TotalEnergies Capital International SA, Total Finance Corporate Services Ltd., and President & Treasurer at TotalEnergies Capital Canada Ltd.
Previously, he worked as a Director at SunPower Corp.
from 2017 to 2020.
He also held positions as CFO-Gas, Renewables & Power Division and Group Treasurer at TotalEnergies SE.
Mr. Larenaudie completed his undergraduate degree at Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse.

Photo Antoine Vanlaeys
Antoine Vanlaeys

M. Antoine Vanlaeys est directeur de l'exploitation de L'Oral SA.

Photo Antoine Jouteau
Antoine Jouteau

Mr. Antoine Julien Jouteau is a Chief Executive Officer at Adevinta ASA, a Chairman at Videdressing SAS, a Chairman at SnT Classifieds ANS and a Chief Executive Officer at Adevinta France SASU.
Mr. Jouteau was previously employed as a Chief Executive Officer by LBC France SASU, a Marketing Manager by PagesJaunes Groupe SA, a Marketing Manager by Telediffusion de France SA, and a General Manager by Editions Aixoises Multimédia SAS.
He also served on the board at Mobile Marketing Association France.
He received his graduate degree from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and a graduate degree from SKEMA Business School.

Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique
Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique

Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique est actuellement le Président-Directeur Général du groupe Danone. Il a remplacé Emmanuel Faber à ce poste en mai 2021. Auparavant, il était le Directeur Général de Barry Callebaut AG de 2015 à 2021.

Chez Danone, il est actuellement en charge de chapeauter des marques de renommée mondiale telles qu'Evian, Volvic, Gallia, Blédina, Danette ou Actimel. Ses compétences en marketing et ventes qu'il a développé au travers de ses différents postes lui ont permis d'acquérir une solide expérience au sein de différents groupes internationaux dans l'alimentaire. Il a notamment participé à l'expansion des marques Sanogyl et Signal chez Unilever mais aussi la marque Maille.

Après des études à l'ESSEC ou il obtient un MBA, il se lance dans le secteur de la consommation de base.

Au cours de sa carrière, M. De Saint-Affrique a également occupé les postes de Directeur du Marketing de la société Amora-Maille avant de rejoindre le groupe Unilever en 2000. Il y exerce les fonctions de Directeur Europe de l'activité Sauces et Condiments jusqu'en 2003, puis devient Président-Directeur Général d'Unilever des pays de l'Est de l'Europe (Hongrie, Croatie, Slovénie) de 2003 à 2005 et enfin Vice-Président Exécutif du groupe Unilever en charge des activités en Europe Centrale et Orientale de 2005 à 2009.

Par la suite, il occupe les postes de Vice-Président Exécutif en charge de l'activité de produits pour la peau au sein du groupe Unilever toujours entre 2009 et 2011 avant de finir sa carrière chez Unilever en tant que Président de l'activité Alimentaire (Foods) et membre du Comité exécutif du groupe de 2011 à 2015.

Photo Antoine Marie Remi Giscard-d'Estaing
Antoine Marie Remi Giscard-d'Estaing

Antoine Marie Remi Giscard-d'Estaing currently works at Cnova Pay SAS, as Chairman, NRJ Group SA, as Independent Director from 2004, and Greenyellow Vente d'Énergie SAS, as President from 2015.
Mr. Giscard-d'Estaing also formerly worked at Casino, Guichard-Perrachon SA, as Chief Financial Officer & CEO-Corporate Finance from 2009 to 2018, Casino Finance SA, as Vice Chairman & Deputy Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Continental Europe, as Vice Chairman-Investment & Financial Divisions, Monoprix SAS, as Chairman-Supervisory Board from 2013 to 2018, FLOA SA, as Chairman from 2010 to 2017, Casino Restauration SAS, as Chairman from 2009 to 2012, Délisaveurs SAS, as Chairman, Les Ecoles du Soleil, as Vice Chairman, Cnova NV, as Chairman from 2016 to 2018, GreenYellow SAS, as Chairman-Supervisory Board from 2015 to 2018, Danone SA, as Secretary, Director-Finance & Information Systems in 2008, Companhia Brasileira de Distribuicao, as Director from 2009 to 2015, SUEZ SA, as Finance Director from 1990 to 1999, Mercialys SA, as Director from 1999 to 2018, Compagnie Gervais Danone SA, as Director & Deputy Managing Director, Intexa SA, as Director from 2009 to 2012, Générale Biscuit Glico France SAS, as Director & Deputy Managing Director, Schneider Electric SE, as Chief Financial Officer, MD-Control & Legal, Bain et Cie SNC, as Partner from 2008 to 2009, Autorité des marchés financiers, as Member, and Franprix Holding SAS, as Member-Supervisory Board.
Mr. Giscard-d'Estaing received his undergraduate degree from École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris and undergraduate degree from Ecole Nationale d'Administration.

Photo Arnaud Gosset-Grainville
Arnaud Gosset-Grainville

Arnaud Gosset-Grainville is a founding partner of SAGIS Asset Management SCN, which is founded in 2013.

Photo Antoine Boivin-Champeaux
Antoine Boivin-Champeaux

Antoine Boivin-Champeaux worked as a Research Analyst at Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux SA from 2010 to 2013.
He then worked as an Analyst at Natixis SA (Broker) from 2013 to 2018.
Finally, he worked as an Analyst at Oddo BHF SCA (Broker) from 2018 to 2022.

Photo Antoine Trannoy
Antoine Trannoy

Antoine Trannoy is currently a Director at 4JET Technologies GmbH, Efficient IP SAS, and Interel.
He is also a Managing Partner at Jolt Capital SAS and a Member-Supervisory Board at 4JET microtech GmbH.
In the past, he worked as a Principal at International Business Machines Corp.
and WorldCom, Inc., and as the Chief Technology Officer at Mentum SA.

Photo Antoine Belge
Antoine Belge

Antoine Belge is a Research Analyst at BNP Paribas SA (Broker).
He previously worked as the Global Co-Head of Consumer Brands & Retail at HSBC Bank Plc (France) and as the Head of Luxury Goods at Exane SA (United Kingdom).

Photo Antoine Jarmak
Antoine Jarmak

Antoine Jarmak is currently a Managing Director at Crédit Mutuel Equity SCR since 2002.
Prior to this, he was a Member-Supervisory Board at Descours et Cabaud SA.

Photo Antoine Fine
Antoine Fine

Antoine Fine is the founder of Eutopia Gestion SAS, which was founded in 2015.
He is currently the Director at Même Cosmetics SAS since 2016, a Member-Supervisory Board at Smartholiday SAS, and a Partner at Frst Capital SAS since 2015.
In the past, he worked as a Director-Investments at Fonds Partenaires-Gestion SA from 2006 to 2010 and at LFPI Gestion SAS from 2007 to 2010.

Photo Antoine Dréan
Antoine Dréan

Antoine Dréan is the founder of Mantra Investissement SCA, founded in 2007, where he holds the title of Chief Executive Officer.
He is also the founder of Triago Europe SA, founded in 1992, where he holds the title of Chairman.
Additionally, he is the founder of Palico SAS, founded in 2012, where he holds the title of Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. Dréan is also the founder of Triago Americas, Inc. .
Mr. Dréan's current job is at Mantra Investment Partners SARL, where he started in 2007 and currently holds the position of Managing Partner.
Mr. Dréan's former jobs include working as a Director at Egide SA from 2008 to 2012, and as a Director-Supervisory Board at Gigaset AG.

Photo Antoine Hadji Georgiou
Antoine Hadji Georgiou

Antoine Hadji Georgiou is the founder of National Trading Co. (Oman) established in 1982.
He held the position of Partner from 1982 to 2014.
Currently, he is a Director at Oryx Metal Industries LLC, National Trading & Projects Co. LLC, Oman Industrial Development Co. SAOC, Asia Fisheries Co. LLC, Jarjoor Establishment LLC, Sita & Al Bashaer Environment LLC, Al Asala International LLC, Al Madina Development & Supply LLC, Muamalat LLC, Security Printing Press LLC, Global Building & Construction LLC, Cloisall Muscat LLC, Wds Middle East LLC, Gulf of Oman Fishing International LLC, and Gulf Construction Products LLC.
He also served as Deputy Chairman at Oman Holdings International Co. from 2012 to 2013.
He was an Independent Non-Executive Director at Oman Chlorine SAOG, Arabia Falcon Insurance Co. SAOG, and SMN Power Holding SAOG.
He was a Director at Union Chlorine LLC and held the position of Principal at Sohar Power Co.

Photo Antoine Leccia
Antoine Leccia

Antoine Leccia is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Antoine Moueix SAS.
He is also the Chairman of AdVini SA, SCEA Mas Neuf des Aresquiers, Jeanjean Canada, Advini USA, Lapalu Participations SAS, C.V.F.
SASU, Stellenbosch Vineyards, Advini Canada, Inc., and the Manager of SARL Conseils Altu Pratu.
In the past, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of Antoine Moueix & Lebegue SAS, Chairman of CFV SASU, and President & Director of Cannon Wines Ltd.

Photo Antoine Fayet
Antoine Fayet

Antoine Fayet is currently the Chairman of Icade Bricolage, Icade Tour Descartes, Foncière De La Plaine SARL, and several other firms.
He is also a Director of Fincas Anzizu SL, Inmobiliaria de la Caisse des Depots Espana SA, and Isatis.
Additionally, he is a Managing Partner of Icade Messine Participations, Icade Camille Desmoulins, Icade 69 Boulevard Haussmann, and several other firms.
He is also a Manager of SCI 68 Victor Hugo, SCI du Bassin Nord, and several other firms.
Mr. Fayet's former positions include Vice Chairman of Fédération Habitat et Humanisme Assocation, Chairman of Praemia HEALTHCARE SA, and Chairman of Icade Commerces SAS.
He was also a Director of Silic SA and an Independent Director of Locindus SA. Furthermore, he was the Head-Residential Property Division of Icade SA from 2011 to 2012.
Mr. Fayet's education includes a graduate degree from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and an undergraduate degree from Sciences Po.

Photo Antoine Aulanier
Antoine Aulanier

Antoine Aulanier worked as a Principal at Almirall SA and Roussel Uclaf SA. He also worked as Vice President-Commercial Operations at SpePharm Holding BV from 2008 to 2013.

Photo Antoine Schwartz
Antoine Schwartz

Antoine Schwartz is the founder of The Black Ant Group LLP, which was founded in 2004.
He held the title of Chief Investment Officer.
Mr. Schwartz also held former positions as Director at Frans Bonhomme SAS from 2000 to 2012, Independent Director at Exor SpA in 2011, and Principal at Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC.
Mr. Schwartz received an MBA from Harvard University and a graduate degree from Ecole Polytechnique.

Photo Antoine Pupin
Antoine Pupin

Mr. Pupin’s career spans 30+ years and includes roles inside of large corporations, bulge bracket investment banks, and international private equity firms.
Mr. Pupin holds a master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from ISAE-Supaero Ensica and a Master of Business Administration in International Management from Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Photo Antoine Lamarche
Antoine Lamarche

Antoine Lamarche currently works as a Director of Communications and Marketing at Cdiscount SA.

Photo Antoine Flamarion
Antoine Flamarion

Antoine Flamarion is the founder of Tikehau Capital SCA, founded in 2004.
He is also the founder of Tikehau Capital Advisors SAS, founded in 2005, where he currently holds the title of Chief Financial Officer.
Additionally, he was the founder of Sofidy SA, founded in 1987, where he held the title of Founding Chairman.
Mr. Flamarion's current job(s) include being the Chairman of AF&Co SAS since 2010.
He is also the Chairman of Makemo SAS, Fakarava SAS, Tryptique SAS, Makemo Capital SAS (since 2016), TDT SAS, Tikehau Management, Capexis, Tikehau Investment Management Asia Pacific Pte Ltd., TR Advisors Ltd., Takume SARL, F2 SAS, Alma Property SA, and La Ferme Du Plan 2.
Mr. Flamarion's former job(s) include being the Chairman of Cimes & Cie SAS, Chairman-Supervisory Board of Hao, and Investment Committee Chairman of Salvepar.
He was also the Chairman of Salvepar from 2012 to 2013.
He served as a Director of Salvepar SAS, Groupe Flo SA (from 2006 to 2014), Financière Bertrand SAS, Tikehau Capital UK Ltd., Tikehau Capital Europe Ltd., Tikehau Investment Ltd., and Member-Supervisory Board of Selectirente SA. Mr. Flamarion's education includes an undergraduate degree from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and a graduate degree from Université de Paris IV Paris-Sorbonne.

Photo Antoine Colonna
Antoine Colonna

Antoine Colonna is currently working as an Analyst at Carmignac Gestion SA since 2009.
Prior to this, he worked as a Research Analyst at Merrill Lynch Capital Markets (France) SAS from 1999 to 2010.

Photo Antoine Sorange
Antoine Sorange

Antoine Sorange worked as the Director of SRI Research at Integral Development Asset Management SA from 2010 to 2011.
He then worked as the Head of SRI Research at Amundi Asset Management SA from 2011 to 2018.

Photo Antoine Dubout
Antoine Dubout

Antoine Dubout has worked as a Director at Lamy SA and as Head-Administration at ERILIA SA.

Photo Antoine Arlet
Antoine Arlet

Antoine Arlet has held positions as an Investment Director at CIC Private Debt SASU starting in 2010 and as a Principal at Crédit Mutuel Equity SCR starting in 2016.

Photo Antoine Munfakh
Antoine Munfakh

Antoine G.
is currently a Director at Apollo Education Group, Inc., Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc., Maxim Crane Works LP, McGraw-Hill Education, Inc., Blume Global, Inc., Direct ChassisLink, Inc., Volotea SA, Sky High Holding, Inc., and The Thirst Project.
He is also a Partner & Co-Head of Miami Office at Apollo Management LP.
In the past, he served as a Director at Claire's Stores, Inc., an Independent Director at CH2M Hill Cos.
Ltd., a Director at Sun Country Airlines Holdings, Inc., and an Associate at Court Square Capital Partners.

Photo Antoine Hollard
Antoine Hollard

Antoine Hollard currently works at Quinette Gallay SA, as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer from 2005, Compagnie Financière Privée SAS, as Director, and Association Nationale des Sociétés par Actions, as Director.

Photo Antoine Hnein
Antoine Hnein

Mr. Antoine Hnein is a Research Analyst at Fiske Plc.
Prior to this, he is a Research Analyst at Matrix Corporate Capital LLP.
He was also formerly at Goldman Sachs, London in the small & mid cap equity research team where he was the Lead Analyst on six companies and jointly covering 23 European stocks across sectors including gaming, leisure, consumer staples and retail.
Prior to that, he completed internships at JP Morgan, London in real estate M&A advisory and at CLP structured finance in London as an Analyst in real estate structured finance.
Mr. Hnein has a Master of Science degree in Investment and Finance from Middlesex University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Banking and Finance from American University of Technology, Beirut, Lebanon.

Photo Antoine Bouvier
Antoine Bouvier

Antoine Bouvier is currently a Director at Groupement Industries Françaises Aeronautiques Spatiale, MBDA UK Ltd., KNDS NV, ArianeGroup Holding SAS, and Head of Public Affairs & Strategy at Airbus SE.
Previously, he was the CEO of MBDA France SAS from 2007 to 2019.
He also served as Chairman-Supervisory Board at MBDA Deutschland GmbH, Independent Director at Nexter Systems SA, Director-Strategic Analysis Division at Société Nationale Industrielle Aérospatiale SA, and Executive Vice President at AIRBUS HELICOPTERS DEUTSCHLAND.
Bouvier received his undergraduate degrees from Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Nationale d'Administration.

Photo Antoine Lencou-Barème
Antoine Lencou-Barème

Mr. Antoine Lencou-Barème graduated from HEC, and is a member of the French Society of Financial Analysts (SFAF).
He joined AXA Private Equity in 2006 in Paris as Head of the Valuation department for direct funds.
In 2008, he transferred to the Co-Investment team.
He started his career with Credit Lyonnais, before working as a senior consultant with Towers Perrin.
He joined the AXA Group in 2001.

Photo Antoine Veil
Antoine Veil

Antoine Veil served as Chairman for SAGATRANS, OrlyVal Service SA, and AV Consultants Pte Ltd.
He was also a Director for Havas SA and CS Group SA, and an Independent Director for SAGA SA. Additionally, he was a Member-Supervisory Board for Banque Oddo SA. Veil received his undergraduate degrees from Sciences Po and Ecole Nationale d'Administration.

Photo Antoine Michaud
Antoine Michaud

Antoine Michaud is currently the Vice President-Connectivity Solutions at Oxford Semiconductor Ltd.
Prior to this, he worked as a Sales Director at EXFO, Inc. and Lightwave Microsystems Corp.
He also served as a Director at Réseau Capital, a Principal at Tandem Expansion Management, Inc., and a General Partner at First Ascent Ventures Management Inc. Michaud holds an undergraduate degree from Université Laval and an MBA from London Business School.

Photo Antoine Courteault
Antoine Courteault

Antoine Courteault worked as a Secretary & Legal Director at Alcatel SA, Secretary, Director-Legal & Employment Affairs at Compagnies Européennes Réunies SA, and as a Secretary at Sequana SA from 2005 to 2019.
He also worked as an Assistant-Financial Operations Department at Banque Indosuez SA.

Photo Antoine Fady
Antoine Fady

Antoine Fady is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Flint Group Italia SpA, Director at Roquette Frères SA, and Director at Flint Ink (UK) Ltd.
Previously, he was the Chief Executive Officer at ICI Packaging Coatings, Chief Executive Officer at Sigma Group SA, and General Manager at Akzo Nobel Decorative Paints Sp zoo.
He holds an MBA from INSEAD and an undergraduate degree from École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne.

Photo Antoine Coutière
Antoine Coutière

Antoine Coutière currently works at Crédit Foncier et Communal d'Alsace et de Lorraine Banque SA, as Chairman from 2004 and Vauban Mobilisations Garanties, as Member-Supervisory Board.

Photo Antoine Bodet
Antoine Bodet

Antoine Bodet is currently a Partner at Axio Capital SAS, an Investment Director at Alliance Entreprendre SAS, a Member of the Supervisory Board at About Premium Content SAS, and a Board Member at Media Musketeers Studios SAS.
In the past, he served as a Member of the Supervisory Board at Making Prod SASU, Federation Studios SAS, and Mediarithmics SASU, and as a Board Member at D-Aim SARL.

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  2. Recherche avancée
  3. Antoine Gosset-Grainville