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Temps Différé 18:45:55 10/06/2024 Varia. 5j. Varia. 1 janv.
1,183 EUR +0,22 % Graphique intraday de British Pound / Euro (GBP/EUR) +0,77 % +2,65 %
Eurozona: Bce alza le stime d'inflazione, 2024 al 2,5%
ECB sees higher growth, inflation
Bce: "è ora opportuno tagliare tassi, non ci vincoliamo su futuro"
Euro Rallies After ECB Cuts Rates for First Time Since 2019, Emphasizing Data-dependent Approach
Borsa: Europa stabile dopo il taglio ai tassi Bce, Zurigo +0,6%
Ökonomen heben Inflationsprognosen für 2024 und 2025 an
EZB Leitzinsen, Kaufprogramme, Langfristtender
BTp : rendimento 10 anni sale a 3,87% dopo Bce, spread sale a 131 pb
EZB senkt Leitzinsen erstmals seit 2019
Bce : inflazione attesa a 2,5% nel 2024, al 2,2% nel 2025 e a 1,9% nel 2026(RCO)
EZB senkt erstmals seit 2019 wieder die Zinsen
Bce : pil Eurozona a 0,9% nel 2024, 1,4% nel 2025 e 1,6% nel 2026 (RCO)
Bce : taglia tassi di 25 pb ma conferma cautela su prossime mosse (RCO)
EZB senkt Zinsen im Euroraum
European Central Bank Delivers Widely Expected Rate Cut
ECB cuts rates, keeps next move under wraps
Bce: taglia i tassi di 25 punti base, confermate le previsioni
El euro caería si el BCE indicara que un recorte de tipos de interés en julio es posible -- Market Talk
DOKUMENTATION/Text zu den EZB-Beschlüssen
EZB senkt Leitzins im Euroraum wie erwartet
Bce : taglia tassi interesse al 4,25% dal 4,5%
Bce : taglia tasso depositi a 3,75% da 4,0%
PROGNOSE/EZB Leitzinsen, Kaufprogramme, Langfristtender
Griechische Banken zahlen nach 16 Jahren wieder Dividenden
ECB to Start Rate Cut Cycle Thursday But to Signal Caution Over Further Rate Cuts, Says Mitsubishi UFG
US Dollar Rises Early Thursday Ahead of Jobless Claims, Trade, Productivity Data
Borsa: Europa positiva poco prima della Bce, Zurigo +0,7%
UAE Stocks Close Lower Amid Focus on ECB Rate Decision
Tech Surge, Rate Outlook Lifts European Bourses Midday
Euro holds steady ahead of ECB decision
Europe rallies ahead of first ECB rate cut in nearly 5 years
Börse Stuttgart-News: Euwax Trends
Devisen: Eurokurs steigt vor EZB-Entscheidung ein wenig
Borsa : Europa positiva in attesa Lagarde, a Milano (+0,5%) sprint Iveco
Europe gets boost ahead of ECB rate call
Fest vor EZB-Entscheidung - Technologiesektor vorn
Borsa Milano positiva, ma pochi spunti in attesa Bce, corre Iveco, venduta Nexi
Umsatz im Einzelhandel in der Euro-Zone sinkt stärker als erwartet
Deutsche Anleihen: Leichte Verluste vor EZB-Entscheidung
North American Morning Briefing : Stock Futures Waver; ECB Rate Decision in Focus
Commerzbank of Overnight News
Istat rivede al rialzo stima Pil 2024 a +1,0%, vede 2025 a +1,1%
European Midday Briefing : Investors Await ECB, Lagarde Speech Key
Euro zone bond yields rise ahead of ECB policy meeting
US Dollar Rises Mixed in Europe Ahead of ECB Decision, Weekly Jobless Claims